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Creativity . Community . Healing

"I had a great time at the Jam. I am generally a quiet person and not comfortable in social settings, but I felt welcomed and very much at ease. I was really worried about my skill level, but I think I did alright. I will definitely be at more of these events. In fact I told my wife last night that I don’t know if I can’t wait an entire month, so I might be at the Lacey jam."

– First time Participating Veteran

“Having the creative outlet to be able to express yourself is the key to being free!”      

– Participating Veteran


“The day before Memorial Day I gave the lyrics to John and asked if he could add music to it. Tonight it was debuted at the Veteran’s Home in Orting. So many emotions during and after it was played. I can’t describe it but only will say I’m overwhelmingly filled with deep heavy emotions…”

– Supporting family member.

“Music night at the Soldier’s Home. A reminder of how a caring heart can help someone heal a deep wound”.

– MW4V Team Member


“When I got there I realized it was more than just the occupational therapy and the fine motors. There were songs that were written by veterans and these were poems that they had written and songs that were their stories. And, I realized there was a deeper cathartic meaning behind MusicWorks4Veterans. I thought, this, is where we need to go. This is what we need to do. This is where my dad needs to be. And that was just day one. Day one of being there. The dad that I know from my childhood and the grandpa that my children know, one-eighty different person. And, I’m so thankful”

– Supporting Family Member


“Everybody tells me I a better person now. Getting out there and sharing and just being involved with some of these older vets. That’s probably why I’m still here. It’s because I was needed here, not there. If that makes any sense. But I’ve been wondering for a long time, what is my higher purpose. Well, I think I’ve found it. But, yeah, Music Works for Veterans. I wish I would’ve heard about it years ago.”

– Participating Veteran.


“Music Nights at the Soldier’s Home are very inclusive for the whole family. So, my children all the way from four to ten, they come and they’re encouraged to play along and sing and dance and I like that. And, the smiles that they bring. I love that people that are living here, that they get to have young children visit because I don’t know how often that their own families get to visit. But the smiles that they bring and the conversations that they have with the veterans, I like that the children get to be a part of that and get to help. So that just makes us feel like we’re doing something good.”

– Supporting Family Member


“(Laughing) We’re the Music Works for Veterans groupies. We just follow them along with our little tambourines. Even if people don’t feel like they have talent or trained skills, they can still participate. Stomp your foot, clap your hands, even just dance around. However the music moves you! Everyone can be involved and it’s wonderful”

– Family Member/MW4V Team Member


“I think everybody’s got it in them, some kind of a musical talent. Be it singing, tambourine, or just lyrics. If any veteran out there has even an ounce of interest in music, I would recommend it. Just play to get it out of your system. Just get engaged. It’s kind of fun trying to figure it out how to play a musical instrument on my own too. It’s a challenge.”

– Participating Veteran


“I’m sure there’s other veterans out there that are kind of in the same boat as I’m in, who have kind of shut themselves off from the world. But, if you can bang two rocks together… it’s like they said (At Music Night), that if you could march… you already know how to do music. Your left, your left, your left right left… (Sings an old familiar cadence song). If you can keep the cadence, you can just go from there.”

– Participating Veteran.


“Seeing the smiles and friends and family and just that connection that we have. And, I feel very welcomed. It doesn’t matter whether you’re up there with a microphone in your face or in the back in the corner shaking a tambourine on your leg, you’re part of the band, part of the group. I love that.”

Supporting Family Member


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